Introduction to the Vegan Diet with Videos

Welcome to the video series of the Vegan Warrior Course.

There are 8 short videos to watch and learn from. The course will talk about the true dietary needs of vegans and where they get their food sources from.

This course contains dietary outlines for those who are vegan (or want to be). It also contains exercise guidelines for eating vegan. Athletes will be highlighted in order to show real-life examples of how building muscles the vegan way works.


Length: 4 minutes

Summary: This course contains proven steps and strategies on how to begin your own vegan diet, how to maintain and acquire the type of body you wish on a vegan diet, and athletes and prominent individuals who debunk some of the greatest myths when it comes to the world of eating.

Chapter 1: The Vegan Journey for Health and Performance

Length: 8 minutes

Summary: Living the vegan lifestyle has many benefits. It has been proven that eating vegan can lower the risk of cardiac events, reduce the risk of developing certain cancers and lowers and individual’s chance of type 2 diabetes.

Chapter 1 also talks about the agricultural implications of growing food for animals, such as deforestation for animal food.

Chapter 2: Debunking the Myths

Length: 9 minutes

Summary: Chapter 2 video talks about the myths of the vegan diet, like “vegans don’t get enough protein,” “vegan diet is unhealthy,” “vegans have to take expensive supplements,” and many more.

Chapter 3: Vegan Athletes With More Muscles Thanks You

Length: 6 minutes

Summary: Many prominent athletes have adopted vegan diets and lifestyles and have not only maintained their strength, but also promoted their health publicly.

Athletes in tennis, football, mixed martial arts, boxing and other areas of sports are highlighted.

Chapter 4: Fueling the Vegan Warrior

Length: 9 minutes

Summary: Chapter 4 talks about the vegan sources of protein, minerals, and vitamins that can be added to the diet to support one’s health. There are many foods that are rich in these substances.

Chapter 5: Vegan Warrior Workout Plan

Length: 7 minutes

Summary: If you can chosen a vegan diet, then you have already taken one step in the right direction for the health of your body for the long term.

It talks about walking outdoors, getting a gym membership, getting on a treadmill, muscle strength training, swimming, cycling, and yoga. Choose a daily workout plan to follow.

Chapter 6: Going Vegan

Length: 6 minutes

Summary: Listening to your body and interpreting what it wants is imperative to being able to give it the nutrients it is long for on a daily basis.

Filling your cupboards with healthy vegan food choices is important. Always keep learning and trying new foods.


Length: 4 minutes

Summary: Becoming vegan is about strength, mental acuity, and determination. It takes dedication as well as knowledge to properly and healthfully enact a vegan lifestyle. Make sure you never stop learning about the vegan diet and all that it entails.

Vegan Video Course Introduction

Vegan Video Chapter 1

Vegan Video Chapter 2

Vegan Video Chapter 3

Vegan Video Chapter 4

Vegan Video Chapter 5

Vegan Video Chapter 6

Vegan Video Conclusion